Legal notice


The purpose of this disclaimer is to regulate the terms and conditions of the functioning of the website, created by the Fundación Artium de Álava (hereinafter, the “Foundation”, registered in the Basque Country’s Register of Foundations under the Register number F-98. CIF: G-01315530) for information purposes and for the free and personal use of it by users.

As indicated below, access to and use of the contents of this website is the exclusive and sole responsibility of the user, and this access and use implies an understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in this disclaimer notice and other referenced documentation. is a domain owned by the Foundation:

C/ Francia, 24, 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel.: 945-20 90 00 fax: 945- 20 90 49

All rights reserved.
© authors, VEGAP and Fundación Artium de Álava


The responsibility for using this portal lies with the user. If some form of registration is to be required in order to access certain contents of this portal, the user shall be responsible for providing licit and truthful information and data. This registration process shall provide the user with a password that must be used diligently and confidentially.

The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services.


The contents of are made available to the user by the Foundation, and they come from its own sources as well as from third parties.

The Foundation hereby ensures that the contents are of the highest possible quality and reasonably up to date, but it does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of said contents.


AMAonline shares multiple voices in an attempt to reflect and learn about all those matters that are the object of the mission and role of museums, and of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country in particular. The texts published on this site reflect only the opinions of their authors, and not necessarily those of the museum, which is in itself a plural and diverse organization.


The Foundation has a licence to reproduce and publicly communicate the texts and graphic elements appearing on this website. The user acknowledges that the aforementioned contents are protected by intellectual property rights that, where applicable, correspond to the Foundation as well as to those who hold the status of authors or their heirs, in accordance with existing legislation in the field of intellectual property.

No intellectual property rights are assigned to, and the user is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available, extracting, reusing, resending or using any of these rights in any way or by any means or procedure, except in cases where this is legally permitted or authorised by the owner of these corresponding rights, and this is indicated as such in each specific case.

Publicly communicating the contents through the website shall in no case imply, in whole or in part, the assignment, waiver or transmission of the corresponding intellectual property rights.

The Foundation respects the intellectual property rights of third parties, and it is the responsibility of users to determine and fulfil such rights or other restrictions on use before copying, transmitting or making use of any protected elements.

EXTERNAL LINKS provides users with access to online sites or portals, to which this website may refer by means of links, owned or managed by third parties, and it assumes no responsibility for the contents, services or any material of any nature contained on these websites not directly managed by the Foundation.


The Foundation accepts no responsibility for damages of any kind that may arise from lack of accuracy, completeness or relevance, as well as any errors or omissions in the contents of or any other contents that may be accessed through this site, nor does it assume any duty or commitment to verify or monitor these contents and information. It similarly accepts no responsibility for the opinions expressed by users through any existing participation tools or any other tools that may be developed.

Moreover, the Foundation does not guarantee the availability, continuity or infallibility of the functioning of, thereby excluding, to the maximum extent permitted by existing legislation, any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from a lack of availability or continuity of the functioning of the website, in addition to errors in accessing it.


Both users of the website and the Foundation submit themselves to the Judges and Courts of the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava) with regard to any discrepancies that may arise in interpreting this disclaimer, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.